Maria Rosa Mystica Pilgrim Statue |
The following messages are from the Maria Rosa Mystica book from A.M Wiegl which reinforce our Blessed Mother's desire to have this devotion pilgrim. Some people may receive a pilgrim statue and just have the statue there for the week and barely pray and even acknowledge her. You don't realize the tremendous gift you have received. When you open your heart and home to Our Blessed Mother and offer her daily prayers, she will not leave you the same as before receiving her. Everyone has different needs so the blessings will be different. Also keep in mind that many times we pray for things that in God's eyes are not good for us or it is not time yet. You must continue praying and keeping your faith strong. When you start reading the stories of healings, conversions, etc. you will see that people have been praying and offering sacrifices for months and even years before they received healing. We are not meant to understand why but only to understand that we play a very small role in His big Master Plan.
November 5, 1974
Our Blessed Mother said "Wherever I come I bring with me the Lord's graces."
December 8, 1974
Our Blessed Mother said "Pierina, tell all my children to make pilgrimage here to pray, that I am really present and bestow upon all the Lord's graces. Tell them on my pilgrimage to invoke specially the Archangel Raphael, and I shall come myself with heavenly graces." (Raphael is the Angel of healing, consolation, and defense against demonic attacks.)
May 12, 1975
Our Blessed Mother said "I invoke a blessing on these statues, which represent me. Wherever I go, I shall bring with me, joy, peace and grace for very many souls . . I am always near you with my motherly protection and the Lord's very special blessing."
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