Senin, 28 Juni 2010

raggae dancehall....

apa yang kau cari di sana...
sekumpulan kasta rendah yang berdansa...
gembira dengan semarak aroma jelata...
apa yang kau cari di sana...

lagu yang sederhana...
tawa , canda lambang bahagia...
atau itu ungkapan rasa peduli sesama...
apa yang kau cari di sana...?

...lets pray to the lord , and you feel alright......
( sing it .....)
one love..... one heart......

mungkin cuma om bob yang bisa menjawabnya......

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Roots reggae is the most popular subgenre of reggae in Europe and the United States. First of all, the progenitors of roots reggae (who include Bob Marley and Peter Tosh) were the first artists to become internationally popular, and thus set the precedent for what people expect reggae to sound like. Secondly, the lyrics are far less objectionable than those of much dancehall and similar modern Jamaican genres.
Reggae is a genre that grew out of several other musical styles, including both traditional Jamaican music, including ska and mento, and American R&B. In the early days of radio, stations were super-high-powered, and several stations from Florida and New Orleans were powerful enough to reach Jamaica. Reggae only came about as a distinct genre in the 1960s.