Senin, 28 Juni 2010

raggae dancehall....

apa yang kau cari di sana...
sekumpulan kasta rendah yang berdansa...
gembira dengan semarak aroma jelata...
apa yang kau cari di sana...

lagu yang sederhana...
tawa , canda lambang bahagia...
atau itu ungkapan rasa peduli sesama...
apa yang kau cari di sana...?

...lets pray to the lord , and you feel alright......
( sing it .....)
one love..... one heart......

mungkin cuma om bob yang bisa menjawabnya......

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Roots reggae is the most popular subgenre of reggae in Europe and the United States. First of all, the progenitors of roots reggae (who include Bob Marley and Peter Tosh) were the first artists to become internationally popular, and thus set the precedent for what people expect reggae to sound like. Secondly, the lyrics are far less objectionable than those of much dancehall and similar modern Jamaican genres.
Reggae is a genre that grew out of several other musical styles, including both traditional Jamaican music, including ska and mento, and American R&B. In the early days of radio, stations were super-high-powered, and several stations from Florida and New Orleans were powerful enough to reach Jamaica. Reggae only came about as a distinct genre in the 1960s.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Maria " Rosa Mystica"

Why Maria Rosa Mystica

Our Blessed Mother has appeared under many titles throughout the years. Most of us are aware of the most publicized ones like Fatima, Lourdes, and Guadalupe, etc. Many people know very little or nothing at all about the appearances of Our Blessed Mother under the title of Rosa Mystica. I have heard people (and even priests) tell me that they already have a few devotions of Our Blessed Mother so they don't need another one. There is only one Virgin Mary but I firmly believe that there will always be one devotion that lights your soul on fire. This is just what happened to me but through the devotion of Rosa Mystica. With each devotion Her messages are similar but She adds on different requests. Under Rosa Mystica she requests that we pray for all priests, nuns and religious institutions. Have you ever visited a Church and walked away feeling like something was missing? or Did you go to see a Priest in your moment of despair and felt no warmth, compassion or guidance from him? I have had my share of experiences so maybe that is why Our Blessed Mother has magnetized me to Rosa Mystica. We must pray alot for our religious because in these times they are facing difficult moments. Many religious are losing their vocations or are becoming lukewarm. We are experiencing a shortage of priests. You will find from time to time a Priest that truly inspires you. We must pray for them also so they don't lose that special charisma they have. Through our prayers, the Blessed Mother will let fall a superabundance of graces to protect and strengthen the religious, increase new vocations as well as hear our other petitions. These graces will keep their fire burning bright and give them the strength to continually help us get back up each time we fall and give us the inspirations and hopes that one day we will all rejoice in Heaven.
The priest makes all the difference when you go to church. I have been searching for some time now for a church that I could feel complete in. I finally found one so it’s important that you visit other Catholic churches until you find the one that you feel good in. I have visited some churches that left me feeling like I never went to Church. Ever since the Blessed Mother gave me my wake-up call, I see things so differently now. I see and feel where we are going wrong and how desperately we need to pray. We need all our Catholic churches to remain/become rock solid so we can survive what the future holds.
When you find a priest that inspires you, don’t get tired of telling him how much you appreciate him because they need to hear it to keep going strong. Their job is not an easy one.
From the first time I visited the Rosa Mystica House of Prayer about 6 years ago to my last visit on December 8, 2008, Our Blessed Mother has touched me in so many different ways throughout the years. She has been calling me for some time now but I was too caught up in this world to open my heart to her. It wasn’t until my visit in August, 2008 that I felt her presence so strong that I broke down in tears. I sobbed uncontrollably which I really can’t explain but at that moment I knew that this time, Our Blessed Mother was not going to let me go back home the same. She filled me with a lot of graces and a few of the burning desires she left me with is the need to pilgrim Her statue through homes and churches, offer the pilgrimages to Her chapel and create this website.
It is important to open our hearts and homes to Rosa Mystica because you never know if this will be the devotion that will change your life completely.

rosa mystica

Maria Rosa Mystica Pilgrim Statue

The following messages are from the Maria Rosa Mystica book from A.M Wiegl which reinforce our Blessed Mother's desire to have this devotion pilgrim. Some people may receive a pilgrim statue and just have the statue there for the week and barely pray and even acknowledge her. You don't realize the tremendous gift you have received. When you open your heart and home to Our Blessed Mother and offer her daily prayers, she will not leave you the same as before receiving her. Everyone has different needs so the blessings will be different. Also keep in mind that many times we pray for things that in God's eyes are not good for us or it is not time yet. You must continue praying and keeping your faith strong. When you start reading the stories of healings, conversions, etc. you will see that people have been praying and offering sacrifices for months and even years before they received healing. We are not meant to understand why but only to understand that we play a very small role in His big Master Plan.
November 5, 1974
Our Blessed Mother said "Wherever I come I bring with me the Lord's graces."
December 8, 1974
Our Blessed Mother said "Pierina, tell all my children to make pilgrimage here to pray, that I am really present and bestow upon all the Lord's graces. Tell them on my pilgrimage to invoke specially the Archangel Raphael, and I shall come myself with heavenly graces." (Raphael is the Angel of healing, consolation, and defense against demonic attacks.)
May 12, 1975
Our Blessed Mother said "I invoke a blessing on these statues, which represent me. Wherever I go, I shall bring with me, joy, peace and grace for very many souls . . I am always near you with my motherly protection and the Lord's very special blessing."
When one of the Pilgrim Madonnas was stopping at the house of someone on whom she had bestowed favors, the "Rosa Mystica" appeared several times beside this Pilgrim Madonna. She had the same humble, praying attitude. She was adorned like the statue with the three roses, and had a Rosary in her hands, etc. But, according to the devotee, the real living Madonna was a million times more beautiful than the wooden statue. The Madonna was repeatedly accompanied by the two Fatima children, Francesco and Hyazintha; oftener; also, by the Archangel St. Raphael, or by tens of thousands of holy angels and saints. On one of these occasions she said "When I am brought as a pilgrim, as the "Rosa Mystica", to people, I shall come with the holy angels and saints, and will stand by them all, protecting and blessing them. Similarly, when I am accepted with joy and love in houses, religious or secular, I will bless them and those who live in them. But, quite specially, I shall be near them, with the grace of God and my motherly love, at the hour of death."

Gua Maria " Rosa Mystica " Podomoro, Palembang

sang peziarah teringat akan perjalanannya menelusuri Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, masuk ke kota yang di belah oleh Sungai Musi dan terkenal dengan empek-empeknya....sang peziarah mencari seorang teman yang dengan senang hati akan membantu untuk mencari lokasi Gua Maria yang di tuju.....

Gua Maria ini Merupakan tempat Ziarah umum pertama di kota Palembang, dalam arti bukan sebuah Gua Maria yang terletak di dalam lingkungan Gereja. Berawal dari kerinduan umat di kota Palembang akan adanya sebuah tempat berziarah, dan tempat melakukan kegiatan rohani sebagai wujud cinta-bakti Manusia kepada Sang Pencipta, maka munculah ide, pemikiran gambaran, dimana lokasi yang tepat untuk di dirikan sebuah Gua Maria di dalam Kota Palembang,

Namun pemikiran tersebut seperti angan-angan belaka, karena ternyata memerlukan dana yang sangat besar untuk bisa mewujudkannya, demikian diutarakan Romo Kris yang juga menjabat sebagai romo kepala di Paroki St.Yoseph Palembang, setelah sekian lama angan-angan untuk mempunyai Gua Maria masih berupa wacana, munculah bapak Stevanus Ridwan, seorang hamba Tuhan yang merasa terpanggil untuk membantu umat Katolik di lingkup kota Palembang mempunyai sebuah Gua Maria yang diharapkan dapat mendekat kembali Tuhan dengan umatnya melalui perantaraan Bunda Maria sang Bunda Yesus Kristus yang sering terpisahkan oleh aktifitas-aktifitas duniawi yang semakin padat.

dengan Romo Kris dan Romo Boni sebagai konseptor dan Bapak S. Ridwan sebagai Pelaksana
maka pada bulan Agustus 2008 dimulailah sebuah pembangunan Gua Maria yang sangat-sangat dibutuhkan oleh Umat disekitarnya, setelah sempat mengalami kendala dan hambatan dalam proses pembangunan ini, akhirnya pada tanggal 8 desember 2008 tepat pada perayaan Maria Bunda yang dikandung tanpa noda, Bapak Uskup Agung Palembang berkenan untuk memberikan berkat ats keberadaan Gua Maria yang diberi nama " Rosa Mystica "

mengapa Gua Maria ini di namakan " Rosa Mystica" ?

akan ada banyak cerita-cerita seru di balik pembuatan Gua Maria yang penuh Misteri ini.....
nantikan di blog-berikutnya.....